Thursday, July 24, 2014

[0271] Make you think of anything in particular?

Joe told Michael he could take Sam's wallet. Michael walks up to Sam and grabs his wallet, and Sam stands up and says "What the hell?!" Michael says "No, no. It's okay, Joe told me I could take it, I got in a car accident and need some money. Joe is the biggest kid on the block." Sam says "Well you can't have my wallet. Give it back." to which Michael replies "I'll give you your wallet back if you sign this contract stating I can have half of what it is in it." Sam says "I'm not going to sign that, it's MY wallet, I'm not giving you consent to take ANYTHING out of it." Michael cries to Joe, who provides Michael with a gun to wave at Sam. Sam still refuses, so Michael shoots Sam's son in the face and then points the gun at his wife. "Just negotiate with me. This is simple. I'm really nice. I just need some money for a new car. All you have to do is sign that I can have half of what is in this wallet." Sam says "Fuck you."

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