Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Profound annoyance of the week, volume 1:

Freaking retarded Zardari globe trotting trying to boost his weasel faced son's political career while his people are drowning and starving. WTF!!! @#*&$*^#!!! God bless the man that threw his shoe at him. Better luck to the next one who tries, hopefully this time they wont miss. Seriously, eff this guy. DROP DEAD ZARDARI!

Till next week,

1 comment:

  1. And even worse than that, he goes to London a few days after the PM insults the entire nation of Pakistan. Like what the hell... have some national pride. Take care of your people... don't go grovel at the feet of the 'angres', let alone trollop around the world promoting your son and your own selfish interests. The money spent on your body guards and hotel room for one night could pay for food and medical supplies for an entire village.

    Pathetic and Shameful
