Thursday, April 15, 2010


"Life is bigger. It's bigger than you. And you are not me. The lengths that I will go to, the distance in your eyes. I've said too much, I said it all. That's me in the corner. That's me in the spotlight. Losing my religion, trying to keep up with you. And I don't know if I can do it. I've said too much. I haven't said enough. I thought that I heard you laughing. I thought that I heard you sing. I think I thought I saw you try..."

Have you ever thought about your inner self and noticed that you sometimes change who you are to adapt to someone else? Or to adapt yourself to your group of friends? I think at some point during your lifetime, you happen to do it. At least once. You feel the need to be like someone else so you're not the odd ball out. You feel the need to fit in...properly. You feel the need to be someone you're not just for the simple reason of being accepted. In the process of this whole change, you sometimes forget who you were to begin with. You look in the mirror and don't recognize the person staring back. You try to rewind your memories back to that distant person you once were. When you do find them, and you compare the two of yourselves, you feel this wave of unadulterated disgust; a nausea that doesn't seem to go away. Because in essence, who exactly are you? Have you just been living in this new shell, and if need be, ready to strip it off? Or have you actually completely morphed into a whole new person? A person that if you think about for too long, you don't seem to know. I think it's crucial to your peace of mind to sit and reflect upon yourself once in a while. To understand wholesomely who exactly you are. Many a people lose themselves while pursuing life. They lose their morals, their principles, the very foundation of who they are. They forget what they were even chasing. In this life of severe ups and downs, it's hard for someone to be sure of anything. But one thing you must always, without a doubt be sure of is who you are. The very fiber of your being must be defined in your own mind. Without that knowledge, how can you know where you're heading if you don't even know who it is looking back at you when you see your reflection?

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