A misunderstanding is a very powerful concept. Deep roots of a misunderstanding can ruin many things if not completely resolved. Some misunderstandings go on for years, some are very shortlived. But as long as the misunderstanding is alive, it slowly worsens the wound. Untill everything related to it is black; irrevocable. Pride comes in the way sometimes, and the misunderstanding amplifies. How do we erase it? Sometimes we just don't, and we live our lives succumbing to the injury. When do we know enough is enough? Sometimes we just don't, and we never know what could have been different. However, it was once said that "the afflictions we are accustomed to, do not disturb us." And in time, such is the truth, because once and for all the affliction becomes a numb void, and we get used to it. And we live our lives. Not pausing to think about the past. We avoid the subject. We move on.