Why do the good things in life seem so shortlived? Whereas the sucky things seem to drag on for ages and ages. Everyone always says you never know what you have until it's gone. And each time you realize that that's exactly what happened. You vow to yourself that next time you'll cherish the good times, the better things in life; while you have them, and not once they're gone. But does that ever really happen? Why are we programmed to always focus on the negative aspects of whatever's going on? Why can't we ever pause and take time to be grateful for all the great things going for us? While thinking about all the horrible things emerging out of a situation, if we were to just pause and think of the larger picture, to think of all the great things that trump the nastiness of that given situation, we'd be infinitely happier. But does anybody ever actually do this? Maybe a few, but definitely nobody I know. Not even myself. Playing the devils advocate, I could say that no one is ever that happy-go-lucky, and once in despair, not even thinking about the greatness of anything can help you come out of it. As they say, misery loves company, and we begin to surround ourselves with more negative energy, be it subconsciously or not. How does anybody stop themselves from doing that? No one wants to muster up enough effort to come out of that gloom, but no body likes being in that gloom in the first place. I don't think there's an absolute, divine, or correct answer to any of the aforementioned questions. All I know is that I don't wanna be that kind of person anymore. What I don't know is where to begin to reform myself. But that's the fun part right? Trying to find things out about yourself slowly, and making minor changes as you go along. It's all a maze I think, the universe as the ring leader, and us as it's pawns.
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