Two weeks away, it feels like the whole world should have changed, but I'm home now and things still look the same. I think I'll leave it till tomorrow to unpack, try to forget for one more night that I'm back in my flat; on the road where the cars never stop going through the night, to a life where I can watch the sunset. I don't have time.
-- Dido (Sand In My Shoes)
I usually feel this way after I return to Toronto after a trip/vacation to anywhere in the world. I guess the pace of things just change when you leave your base; and by base I mean somewhere you work/study and just live your routine life. It's always hard coming back, not necessarily because you're coming back to a terribly mundane place, but because of the stifling sense of having to remain sane that comes along with that place. It's great to be away, to be void of incessant mind-chatter. I am looking forward to this holiday season. Even though I wont necessarily be away, I will be in good company, and often times that is just as good as being away.